Market & Innovation


Here you will find an overview of all current articles. 


Market outlook September

September 2024

What was going on? It seemed as if all the bears were on vacation at the height of summer and the bulls had taken over the commodity markets. An astonishing price rally - there was no sign of a summer slump. In the meantime, however, calm has returned.

Further development of Redispatch 2.0:
Consentec report and BDEW position paper at a glance

September 2024

The introduction of Redispatch 2.0 has been repeatedly delayed. The reasons: Problems with the control technology, faulty data and immature processes in the distribution grid. We show which proposals the Consentec report and the BDEW position paper on redispatch should help.


Guarantees of origin:
Innovations for consumers, companies and plant operators

August 2024

Guarantees of origin, European green electricity labels, hourly granularity, simultaneity of green electricity supply and generation, optional coupling of GoOs - are you still keeping track? We shed light on all these topics as well as current developments - and of course their impact on consumers and system operators.

Market Outlook 2024

June 2024

Over the past three months, prices for electricity, gas, emissions certificates and coal have initially risen sharply, but reached their annual peak so far in May. The outlook for all commodities is neutral to bearish.

Price zone splitting - the north in favor, the south against?

May 2024

Price zone splitting: The term comes more from the vocabulary of energy market experts, but has also appeared in the media in recent weeks. While politicians from the northern federal states consider price zone splitting to be absolutely necessary, politicians from the south see it as a disadvantage for their industry. We try to explain the splitting and the possible effects.

Solar Package I and amendment of the Climate Protection Act - Overview of the most important key points

May 2024

The Solar Package I and the Climate Protection Act have caused quite a stir in recent weeks. After all, far-reaching energy policy and economic changes depended on their swift, short-term adoption - including the conversion of existing areas for wind energy into so-called acceleration areas. We provide a concise overview of the most important changes.

Market outlook March 2024

March 2024

Electricity prices have fallen sharply on both the spot market and the futures market since the beginning of the year. The reasons include the low demand for gas with well-filled storage facilities. The outlook is also currently more in favour of the bears than the bulls on the market.

Science Based Targets initiative for corporate climate protection

March 2024

Defining and achieving science-based climate protection targets - the Science Based Targets initiative helps companies of all sectors and sizes to do this. We at Vattenfall have also joined the initiative and are involving our supply chains and our customers in our efforts.

Large-scale battery storage: utilising opportunities in the flexibility market and finding the optimal marketing strategy

February 2024

Battery storage systems are a fundamental factor for the success of the energy transition. In addition to security of supply, they bring further advantages - for example in terms of revenue potential in the balancing energy market or in arbitrage trading. At Vattenfall, we combine historical experience with innovative concepts.

Effects of the electricity market reform
on renewables, industry and end customers

February 2024

On 14 March 2023, the EU Commission presented a proposal for a new European electricity market design. We offer you a compact overview of the most important changes in the areas of CfDs, PPAs, capacity remuneration, consumer protection and energy sharing (as of 14 December 2023).

Market outlook December 2023

December 2023

Wholesale prices for electricity and gas appear to have stabilised - at a surprisingly low level for the current cold weather. The reasons for this include the good gas supply situation and prospects of milder temperatures.

Five questions about... Applying for guarantees of origin

December 2023

In order to participate in direct marketing, plant operators must register their master data and their plants in the Federal Environment Agency's Guarantee of Origin Register (HKNR) and then transfer the data to a direct marketer like us at Vattenfall. We explain how this works in our "Five questions..." section.

Market access: utilising new opportunities in energy trading

December 2023

In times of high and volatile wholesale energy prices, we want to offer our customers the greatest possible transparency and fair risk sharing. The solution is our various market access points, which our customers can use to procure energy and certificates securely and conveniently.

Pandora - a helping hand for underground power plant optimisation

December 2023

Managing power plants manually is becoming increasingly complex with the increase in volatile generation. At Vattenfall, we have therefore developed a trading algorithm that optimises a wide variety of power plant types, large batteries and even hydrogen storage facilities and provides fully automated flexibility on the electricity and balancing energy market.

On the way to fossil-free heat and power generation with biomass

December 2023

Biomass is an important building block on the way to fossil-free heat and power generation. While pellets have been used for a long time, the range of usable wood products is now broadening. Vattenfall grows, utilises and trades these itself.

Interview: The role of data quality for direct marketing.

October 2023

Data is the be-all and end-all for successful direct marketing. Last but not least, all important data must be available in order to be able to calculate accurately and keep risk premiums as low as possible. In this interview, we explain what really matters when it comes to data delivery.

Market Outlook

October 2023

After the falling electricity prices in the spring, there were already signs in the June Summer Market Outlook that slightly bullish tendencies were emerging again. These are currently strengthening, not least due to the war in the Middle East.

Electricity from Borkum North Sea Wind

October 2023

Two new offshore wind farms from Vattenfall are being built in the North Sea off Borkum - and will operate without subsidies. Corporate Power Purchase Agreements are the solution that benefits everyone: For the customer, they bring long-term access to truly green power, and for Vattenfall as an investor, they offer planning security.

Can grid losses be traded?
Pilot project with Vattenfall market access

October 2023

Grid operators procure the electrical energy they need to cover grid losses through tenders. These are complex and involve a price risk - which is why a network operator in Hesse has opted for an alternative: It procures the required quantities via Vattenfall's "Energy Trader" market access.

New regulations on balancing groups in EnWG - with
with implications for direct marketing

October 2023

The Act on the Adaptation of Energy Industry Law includes new regulations on balancing groups with implications for direct marketing. Although direct marketers can never forecast production at wind farms or PV plants 100 percent correctly, they are financially responsible for balancing group deviations.

Aktuelle Marktentwicklung

Juni 2023

Der Abwärtstrend an den Großhandelsmärkten hat sich bei fast allen Produkten fortgesetzt – wenn auch einige Preise derzeit wieder anziehen. Zu den Gründen zählen die Wärme und Trockenheit, die die Nachfrage für Kühlungsprozesse bei gleichzeitiger Unsicherheit in Bezug auf Kraftwerksverfügbarkeiten steigen lassen könnten.

Preisentwicklung und Grünstrom beherrschen die E-World

Juni 2023

Die diesjährige E-World war so groß wie vor der Pandemie. Die Gesprächsthemen jedoch haben sich gewandelt: So wurden vor allem die Preisentwicklung mit all ihren Auswirkungen sowie die unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten für den Grünstrombezug diskutiert.

24/7-Matching: Herkunftsnachweise auf Stundenbasis

Juni 2023

Herkunftsnachweise bestätigen bisher nur, dass Strom aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen verwendet wurde. Sie zeigen nicht, wann genau dieser Strom produziert wurde und ob ein Unternehmen zu jederzeit grün beliefert wird. Granulare, stundengenaue Herkunftsnachweise könnten Licht ins Dunkel bringen.

Wissen to go: Webinare von Vattenfall

Juni 2023

Wer unsere bisherigen rund 20 Webinare verpasst hat, sollte künftig besser mit uns planen: Unsere Expertinnen und Experten von Vattenfall Energy Trading halten pro Jahr rund sechs Webinare zu aktuellen Themen – von Direktvermarktung über PPA bis hin zu Weiterbetrieb.

Anlagen mit und ohne EEG:
Lösungen für Mischparks

Juni 2023

Wie betreibt man einen Windpark, bei dem einige Anlagen noch in der EEG-Förderung sind und andere auslaufen? Ergibt der Weiterbetrieb von diesen Mischparks Sinn? Wenn ja: Wie müssen sich Anlagenbetreiber vorbereiten und welche Möglichkeiten gibt es für die Direktvermarktung?

Direktvermarktung: Sind wir schon über den Berg?

März 2023

Direktvermarktung hat in den vergangenen eineinhalb Jahren Höhen und Tiefen erlebt – in Bezug auf Preise, Volatilität und Unsicherheit in Zeiten regulatorischer Eingriffe wie der Strompreisbremse. Wir werfen einen Blick auf die aktuellen Rahmenbedingungen und bieten ein Update zum vorigen Direktvermarktungsartikel vom November 2022.

Fünf Fragen zu… LNG

März 2023

Seit Dezember 2022 gibt es im deutschen Gasmarkt eine wesentliche Neuerung: Flüssiggas – oder auch Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) – landet an deutschen Häfen an und wird über das Gasnetz verteilt. Wir fassen die wichtigsten Fragen zusammen – etwa zur Technik, zu den Kosten und zu den daraus resultierenden Marktveränderungen.

Interview: Wie entwickelt sich der Markt für Herkunftsnachweise

März 2023

Das Ende der 20-jährigen EEG-Förderung und die nach wie vor hohen Marktpreise begünstigen den Handel mit Herkunftsnachweisen und verändern den Markt. Welche Potenziale sich bieten, warum es immer noch viele skandinavische Nachweise im Markt gibt und wie sich der Handel entwickeln könnte, klären wir im Interview.

You can find more articles here.