Continued Operation of Wind Turbines

Remain economical even post EEG

Continue to operate your wind farm profitably - even after EEG subsidy

Your wind turbines have been in operation for a long time and an end to the subsidy is in sight. Repowering is not an option in your case. This does not mean the end of their economic operation, because there are good opportunities for the continued operation of wind turbines post EEG subsidy.

We will show you ways to continue operating your existing wind farm at fixed, attractive conditions. Give your onshore and offshore plants a profitable "second life" and take advantage of the currently high wholesale market prices.

We market your electricity from an installed capacity of 10 MW (individual plants > 1 MW).

Repowering und Weiterbetrieb von Windkraftanlagen

What does the continued operation of post-EEG wind turbines offer you?

Government subsidies for wind turbines end after 20 years. As a rule, the turbines are only designed and certified for this service life. But that doesn't mean they then have to be decommissioned. A longer service life saves resources and also serves the goal of sustainability. With Vattenfall as a direct marketer, continued operation post EEG remains economical for you - and conceivably simple, because we take over all energy management tasks for marketing the electricity for you.


Financially attractive continued operation and planning security for your wind farm

Instead of having to abandon your site or invest capital in a new plant, you continue to operate your wind farm after the end of the EEG subsidy. Thanks to the fixed conditions, you avoid fluctuating or unpredictable electricity market prices and continue to benefit from planning security for your electricity revenues.

Fixer Fahrplan - wie funktionierts

How does it work?

We take 100 percent of your electricity "as produced" from an installed capacity of 10 MW (individual plants > 1 MW) and remunerate it in accordance with the contractual agreement. Guarantees of origin are transferred to Vattenfall based on the amount of electricity generated.

Different pricing models are possible:

  • Fixed price for each megawatt-hour produced with a contract term of one to three years.
  • Variable price based on hourly spot prices with short and flexible contract terms
Fixer Fahrplan - wer profitiert davon

Who benefits from the continued operation of wind turbines?

The product is aimed at operators of wind turbines whose government subsidies are due to expire. In Germany, this will be the case from 01.01.2021 for plants built from 01.01.2000 and earlier.

Services and advantages at a glance

  • Post EEG continued operation of your onshore or offshore wind turbine at fixed or variable conditions.
  • Purchase of 100% of your wind power "as produced"
  • Transfer of guarantees of origin to Vattenfall based on the amount of electricity generated
  • Assumption of all energy management tasks for marketing the electricity
  • Contract term up to 3 years
  • Reliable creditworthiness of Vattenfall as a Swedish state-owned company
  • Direct contact with your personal contact person
  • Exclusive access to an online portal
  • Exclusive customer events and webinars for knowledge sharing and networking
Eine grüne Wiese, auf der mehrere Windräder zu sehen sind.

Request for quotation continued operation

You would like to continue operating your wind farm after the expiry of the EEG subsidy? Take advantage of the benefits of a strong partner and contact us via the contact form below.

Ufer mit einem Steinstrand.


Simply continue to operate - profitably and efficiently. For more information, you can download additional documents here.

Our Renewables Portfolio

Solutions for your green energy production

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Other services

Combine our product with other services - we will be happy to advise you!


Learn more

<span class="h3">Did you already know?</span>

What happens to wind turbines after 20 years?

After 20 years of operation, wind turbines - as well as other renewable energy plants - will no longer be eligible for subsidies under the Renewable Energy Sources Act. This does not mean the end of their economic operation, because there are good opportunities for the continued operation of post-EEG wind farms.

In direct marketing, we purchase 100 percent of the electricity "as produced" from an installed capacity of 10 MW (individual plants > 1 MW).

What is Repowering? 

Repowering is the replacement of an old wind turbine with a new one. In individual cases, an old plant that falls out of EEG subsidies after 20 years can no longer be operated economically - in these cases, it may make sense to replace it with a new, high-performance plant.

Through repowering, more electricity can be produced in wind farms on the same area with fewer turbines.

How are old wind turbines disposed of?

There is no uniform procedure for the disposal of wind turbines. The Federal Environment Agency provides important specifications for dismantling, for example for the disposal of oils. Often, old systems are then used as spare parts warehouses. At Vattenfall, we have started to push ahead with the recycling of wind turbines.

We are happy to advise you