Energy Market Updates

Always informed about present developments on energy markets

Keep an eye on developments in the prices of electricity and other commodities

You use our market access, participate in energy trading with us and are supported by our portfolio managers. Nevertheless, you want to keep up with the movements in the energy market and get a regular overview of price developments in electricity, gas, coal, oil and emissions trading.

With Vattenfall's energy market updates, you stay up to date and have a sound information basis for buying and selling decisions. Our newsletters inform you quickly and conveniently by e-mail about important developments in the energy industry on a daily or weekly basis, as well as during special market movements.

What do energy market updates offer you?

A flood of information every day and far too little time to sort and read it - everyone probably knows this. Use our newsletter service! We filter energy industry news from all over the world for you and bundle the most important information:

  • Market reports and wholesale market prices for commodities
  • Technical and fundamental analyses
  • Charts on weather, electricity demand, power plant availability and price developments for electricity, gas, oil, coal and emission certificates

We prepare the information in four different newsletters. Decide for yourself whether you want to find your energy news in your inbox daily, weekly and/or whenever there are special market movements. Of course, you can also combine the newsletters to best derive price expectations and recommended actions from the data.

Drei Mockups von iPads, auf denen eine Grafik, ein Vattenfall-Logo und der Titel Energy News zu sehen sind.
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Daily Energy News

The Daily Newsletter

  • Daily market expectations and reports for various commodities
  • Review and outlook on all important events on the market
  • Influencing factors on the power spot market
  • Current commodity quotations
Aktuelle Energiemarktberichte - Screenshot
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Weekly Energy News

The weekly newsletter

  • Market expectations as well as review and outlook for various commodities
  • Current charts
  • In English language
Energie News am Montag
Icon Graph

Monday Charts

Info for the start of the week

  • Weekly charts on the price development of individual commodities
  • Focus: German electricity and gas market, emission certificates, coal and the Brent oil grade
  • Further charts: German share price, exchange rates of various currencies


Sofort-Preis News
Icon Information

Instant price info

The "Quick Service

  • Current price developments for electricity and other commodities by e-mail
  • In case of special market movements also several times a day
  • For various commodities: electricity, emission certificates, gas, oil, coal
Fixer Fahrplan - wie funktionierts

How do Energy Market Updates work?

You will receive your newsletters at up to three personal e-mail addresses.

Upon request, you will also have the opportunity to meet personally with a portfolio manager on weekdays to discuss the market situation and product trends.

Fixer Fahrplan - wer profitiert davon

Who benefits from energy market updates?

All companies active in the energy market always keep an eye on current market developments with Vattenfall's newsletters and can react quickly.

Services and advantages at a glance


  • Information about the energy industry directly to your e-mail inbox.
  • Daily, weekly and/or immediately in the event of special market developments



  • Delivery to up to three email addresses per user


We are happy to advise you

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