Guarantees of Origin for Renewables

Green power certificates for your company

Guarantees of origin are your contribution to the energy transition

The origin of electricity is becoming increasingly important for you as an entrepreneur. You want to contribute to the energy transition and optimize your CO2 balance.

With us, you set the course for the energy future. We support you with green power certificates and guarantees of origin. That way, you save on your own investments in renewable energy plants.

48 %

of Fortune 500 companies have clean energy goals

Clean energy goals

In 2014, only 5% of Fortune 500 companies had clean energy goals. By April 2017, 48% did.


What do guarantees of origin offer you?

By opting for green power, you make a positive contribution to climate protection as well as to your company's CO2 balance and image. Guarantees of origin give you the certainty that defined quantities of electricity come from renewable sources - including proof of the type and location of green electricity generation. Double marketing is excluded.

Vattenfall develops solutions tailored to your needs: We supply you with both green power including the certificate of origin and certificates of origin independent of the electricity supply, which you can use for labeling. Here, we draw on our own extensive renewable energy portfolio as well as our Europe-wide market access and framework agreements with renowned suppliers.


Fixer Fahrplan - wie funktionierts

How do Guarantees of Origin work?

We procure the guarantees of origin according to your requirements such as country of origin, technology (e.g. hydropower, wind, solar) and age of the plants. In the case of special requirements for the guarantees of origin, we carry out qualified market inquiries for you.

A fixed price is agreed for the green power and/or guarantees of origin - up to five years in advance, depending on market liquidity and product specifications. You only pay when you have received the green electricity and/or the guarantees of origin.

We guarantee reliable processing: delivery takes place via the established and secure system of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA).

Fixer Fahrplan - wer profitiert davon

Who benefits from guarantees of origin?

Companies that want to participate in the promotion of a clean, future-oriented energy supply.

Herkunftsnachweise Europa

Certificates from Vattenfall Portfolio

Water (SE):
Old plants, with subsidy / without subsidy, without label.

Wind (SE):
Old plants, with subsidy, without label

Wind (DK): 
Old plants, 1,300 GWh/a with promotion, without label

Wind (NL):
Old and new plants, with subsidies, without label

Run-of-river (DE): 
Old plants, without promotion, without label


Energie Zertifikate Europa

Certificates from the market


Market access and framework agreements with all well-known suppliers available
z. e.g. water from France, Austria and Switzerland; solar from Italy

Certificates for labeling
TÜV South EE to EE02
EKO Energy

Optional: Swap transactions

Gray customer schedule in exchange for a ¼h schedule including guarantees of origin.

  • Guarantee of simultaneous green power generation and consumption
    High-quality alternative to the TÜV EE02 certificate


Services and advantages at a glance

  • Supply of green power incl. guarantees of origin.
  • Market-oriented procurement of tailor-made guarantees of origin - usable for labeling - from the Vattenfall portfolio and Europe-wide market accesses
  • Secure processing via the system of the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
  • Optional: swap transactions (exchange of grey power for green power schedule incl. guarantees of origin)
  • Payment only after delivery
  • Access to the wholesale market
  • Countries of origin: Europe, e.g. Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland.
  • Technologies: Hydropower, wind, solar, biomass
  • Plants:
    Existing plants, new plants
    with subsidy, without subsidy
    with label, without label
  • Duration: depending on market liquidity and product specification

We are happy to advise you