Services for large-scale consumers

Benefit from our
experience and market proximity.

For large consumers in particular, the question of the ideal energy supply is complex. The shift in energy generation towards renewables, political influences and movements in the international commodity markets are just some of the developments that companies should keep an eye on and that influence their decisions. Not least because the purchase or sale of energy is a decisive competitive factor.

Thanks to our many years of experience and close proximity to the market, we can be of valuable assistance to large consumers in this respect: with information as well as services relating to their portfolio and their flexibility marketing.

Read on or contact us directly if you have any questions about schedule delivery.

Our services at a glance

Stagebild Strand-Panorama

Market information

The volatile energy markets are always on the move. That makes it all the more important not to miss anything. Vattenfall offers you various ways to stay informed anytime and anywhere: With the "Customer Portal" you keep an eye on commodity prices, the newsletter service provides you with news from the energy industry.

Portfolio Services

Vattenfall provides you with exactly the services you need for the optimal design of your portfolio: from market information and assessments to procurement and marketing strategies to risk management. Use our know-how for your success!

Flexibility Marketing

Renewables on the rise, fossil fuel supply crisis - energy markets are in the midst of a gigantic transformation. Vattenfall, as an active part of the energy transition and one of the largest marketers of flexible generation assets in Europe, is your partner of choice when it comes to marketing your asset.

We are happy to advise you